Off-campus connection

Cara Gfroerer ’24 April 29, 2024

Daniel Villegas ’19, leader of the Milwaukee Alumni Community, loves being a Flyer. But he’s not your typical alumnus and volunteer; upon graduation, Villegas had been on campus only one other time.

Daniel Villegas ’19


Villegas, a father of two,  graduated  with his MBA, having taken all his classes online. Even though he’d never sat through an accounting class in Miriam Hall or lived on Irving, Villegas still felt incredibly connected to UD.

“The campus itself is not what made my UD experience so special … it was the experience with my professors and how they made me feel not only welcomed but understood,” he said.

Villegas said  professors gave him more than the curriculum; he developed personal relationships with them. “Somehow via a remote online classroom, they were able to bring out the best in me,” he said.

After graduation, Villegas wanted to have a close connection to Dayton and volunteered with the Milwaukee Alumni Community. Though his fellow Milwaukee alumni had more of a traditional experience at UD, they quickly formed close connections.

“It just clicks. You never leave the legacy behind of being a part of UD,” he said.

Villegas is trying to reach alumni who haven’t engaged in the community in years and is working
to prioritize inclusivity. He wants alumni of all years and backgrounds to feel welcome within the group. “I want to get people to reconnect and bring that little spark back,” Villegas said. “We can all relate about being part of the UD academic experience.”

Together in stride