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${ Photo of the Equipment Resource Center that showcases the offerings of bicycles, footballs, basketballs, jump ropes, and more. }

Equipment Rentals

Equipment is available to rent from the Equipment Resource Center (ERC), which is located on the first floor of the RecPlex, as well as the Outdoor Engagement Center (OEC) located at 438 Stonemill Rd. A valid University of Dayton ID or Campus Recreation membership must be presented to check out all items.

Available Equipment

Equipment Resource Center:

  • Basketballs
  • Footballs
  • Jump ropes
  • Racquetball eye wear
  • Racquetball racquets
  • Racquetballs
  • RecBikes (see below for more information)
  • Soccer balls (indoor)
  • Tennis balls
  • Tennis rackets
  • Volleyballs (indoor & outdoor)
  • Wallyballs

Outdoor Engagement Center*:

  • Tents (2- or 3-person)
  • Sleeping bags
  • Therm-a-rest pads
  • Packs (day or backpacking)
  • Stoves (1- or 2-burner)
  • Cooking pots
  • Headlamps
  • Bouldering crash pads
  • Climbing shoes
  • Climbing helmets
  • LED lanterns
  • Yard games

Additional Outdoor Equipment Rental Information

Equipment is primarily available for weekend rentals. The weekend rental period starts on Thursday or Friday and ends on Monday. Longer rental periods and rentals not occurring Thursday through Monday are available upon request.

Rentals are priced by day, weekend, and weekly rates. Rates determined by the renter’s affiliation with the university. To ensure availability, we recommend reserving equipment as early as possible. Please contact us at for information on current rental rates. 

Rental Equipment is picked up at the Outdoor Engagement Center, 438 Stonemill Rd. A valid photo identification, completed rental agreement, and nonrefundable payment is required at pick up.  Cash, check, or credit card are acceptable forms of payment. Allow 20 minutes for rental pick-up. To expedite the rental pick up process, please print and complete the rental policy and liability agreement and bring with you at time of equipment pick up.

All equipment must be clean and dry upon return to the Outdoor Engagement Center, 438 Stonemill Rd. Upon inspection, renters may incur cleaning, repair, or replacement fees as assessed by UDCR staff. Also allow 20 minutes for rental returns. Late rentals will be charged at the daily rate.

${ Two students riding bikes rented from the RecPlex down Stonemill Rd on campus }

RecBike Rentals

The RecBike program was developed collaboratively by Student Development, Campus Recreation, and the 2012 Cohort of River Stewards. The goal of the program is to encourage students to discover Dayton and its bikeways while exercising and enjoying time with friends.

Additional RecBike Information

RecBikes can be checked out at the Campus Recreation Equipment Resource Center. RecBikes can be checked out starting at sunrise. All bikes and equipment MUST be returned by sunset on the same day. Any equipment not returned by sunset will result in the member being charged a late fee of $5.00. Before renting a bike, you will need to complete a waiver and watch a safety video at the Equipment Resource Center.

Each bike check-out includes a helmet and optional u-lock, handle bar bag, and map. RecBikes are available for checkout by Campus Recreation members with a UD ID.

Save time, money natural resources and burn calories by bike commuting to class, work and errands! Rent one of our Fuji Crosstown bikes for a week or semester at a time. Complete the Rental Application. Extended bike rentals include a bike, helmet, lights, and regular maintenance.

Extended RecBike Rates:

  • Weekly: $20
  • Semesterly: $60

Looking for an active experience for your class? Or an innovative wellness or social program for your floor or club? Consider a group RecBike rental or cycle program. For more information, please contact us at

Dayton is blessed with a wealth of organizations dedicated to promoting cycling in the Miami Valley region. For current bike maps and routes, guides to safely cycling in traffic, or local clinics offerings and bike shops, check out the following resources:

*Outdoor equipment rentals are not included in membership pricing. Please contact us at for information on current rental rates. 

At this time, watercraft (to include canoes, kayaks, pfds, paddles, and transport equipment) is not available for rent.  These items are intended for use in structured UD Campus Recreation clinics and programs only.


Campus Recreation

2 Evanston Ave.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0790